Top 10 Signs its Time to Tear Down the Cottage

Top ten signs that it may be time to tear down the old cottage and build a new one…

  1. The smell of rotting wood and mold is now mistaken for that “old great cottage smell”!
  2. Your wife tells you that she just felt the cottage “move” and it really was the shifting foundation…
  3. You think that pile of mouse poop was pepper.  (Again)
  4. When no twofoundation pillars are parallel to each other.
  5. When your local repair guy shows you his new Porsche.
  6. When you realize (for the second time) you have blown out the bottom of the toilet from freezing after you just used it.
  7. Your monthly heating bills in the winter are more than you pay for food in a month (and your not there most of the time).
  8. You can check the weather outside without using a smart phone, radio, TV, window or door but just by looking at the gap in the wall…
  9. You have more than one caulking gun and you know all the types and brands of caulking at the local hardware store…
  10. When you recognize that getting closer to nature did not include having squirrels or raccoons stay with you in the cottage…
  11. Your neighbours boat is worth more then your cottage building. (Ok just one more then promised)

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